Another .NET Rete Implementation – NRuler

January 7, 2010

I just spotted another .NET implementation of Rete – NRuler. The site shows only 10 downloads, but it seems to have been live less than a month so far. Any of the 10 downloaders care to share their impressions? How does it compare with NxBRE or SRE?

(As an aside, I spotted NRuler because it is linked in the “See also” section of the Wikipedia article on Rete. At best, the link to NRuler should be an “External link” rather than a “See also” – and probably not even that. As an industry, we need to stop spamming this article with promotional product-specific links. Yes, I know that NRuler isn’t a commercial product, but I don’t see any reason for it to be linked there over any other piece of software.)

Another Dormant .NET Rule Engine Project: Simple Rule Engine

January 6, 2010

I recently stumbled across another rule engine for .NET that I hadn’t seen before: Simple Rule Engine (SRE).

Looks dormant, or possibly dead altogether. If any readers have tried it out, I welcome comments about your experiences with it.