January 7, 2010
I just spotted another .NET implementation of Rete – NRuler. The site shows only 10 downloads, but it seems to have been live less than a month so far. Any of the 10 downloaders care to share their impressions? How does it compare with NxBRE or SRE?
(As an aside, I spotted NRuler because it is linked in the “See also” section of the Wikipedia article on Rete. At best, the link to NRuler should be an “External link” rather than a “See also” – and probably not even that. As an industry, we need to stop spamming this article with promotional product-specific links. Yes, I know that NRuler isn’t a commercial product, but I don’t see any reason for it to be linked there over any other piece of software.)
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.NET, AI, rules | Tagged: .NET, AI, Microsoft, NRuler, NxBRE, rete, rule engine, rules, Simple Rule Engine, SRE |
Posted by Karl W. Reinsch
January 6, 2010
I recently stumbled across another rule engine for .NET that I hadn’t seen before: Simple Rule Engine (SRE).
Looks dormant, or possibly dead altogether. If any readers have tried it out, I welcome comments about your experiences with it.
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.NET, AI, rules | Tagged: .NET, AI, Microsoft, rete, rule engine, rules, Simple Rule Engine, SRE |
Posted by Karl W. Reinsch
May 3, 2009
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AI, Microsoft, rules | Tagged: AI, BizTalk, BizTalk BRE, expert systems, Microsoft, Microsoft BRE, rete, rules, Ship-It |
Posted by Karl W. Reinsch
December 7, 2008
Clearing out some of the backlog of drafts, it seems I have one more post on this topic to wrap up…
Here are some thoughts on content for future October Rules Fest gatherings. This is, of course, highly subjective.
In general, I think James Owen shouldn’t have to bear the burden of organizing all the content. I think there should be a small panel of folks to solicit, select and approve the content. In addition, I think there should be plenty of lead time and slides should have to be presented in advance. Better yet, let’s have real papers rather than just PPT slides.
As my friend Larry says “it’s still the wild west”. The spectrum of talks that can be given is still very wide. Here are some topics I would like to see included.
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AI, rules | Tagged: AI, expert systems, LEAPS, October Rules Fest, ORF, rete, rules, TREAT |
Posted by Karl W. Reinsch
November 12, 2008
rules | Tagged: AI, decision tree, directed acyclic graph, expert systems, Fair Isaac, Forgy, Ilog, JRules, October Rules Fest, ORF, rete, rules |
Posted by Karl W. Reinsch
October 31, 2008
If you’ve read Charles Forgy’s dissertation or the Brownston/Farrell/Kant/Martin OPS5 book or any of a number of resources, you eventually come across the Monkey and Bananas ruleset.
Some time ago, I stumbled across a humorous AI exam which contains a “complicated” form of Monkey and Bananas:
The monkey and bananas problem has been complicated by the following additional factors :
(i) The bananas will not be ripe for two weeks.
(ii) The monkey is blind.
(iii) The bananas are locked in a safe.
(iv) There are no suitable boxes present.
(v) The monkey is afraid of heights.
(vi) The floor of the room has been electrified.
(vii) The monkey doesn’t like bananas anyway.
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humor, rules | Tagged: AI, bananas, humor, monkey, monkey and bananas, rete, rules |
Posted by Karl W. Reinsch