A Computer That Plays Pitfall

June 29, 2009

From Rutgers university comes a learning algorithm that they have applied to playing the Atari 2600 game “Pitfall!”.

An example video is on YouTube.

One of the research papers is apparently here (although the site isn’t being very responsive at the moment).

I’ll get around to posting on machine learning for Pac-Man/Ms. Pac-Man at some point as well.

(Spotted on Kotaku and GameSetWatch.)

Portable Video Games

March 31, 2009

No, I’m not talking about handheld games. I’m talking about games that get ported to a variety of hardware platforms.

Code portability is a topic of interest to me, and some video games allow an opportunity to study code that is ported across multiple hardware platforms and multiple operating systems. And sometimes, it is just a pleasure to see a good game move to another platform.

There are actually several categories here, so I’ll take a quick moment to sketch out how I divide them.

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